Academic giftedness involves three different characteristics:intellegence, creativity, and potential. Without all three
of them you aren't technically academically gifted. Being academically gifted is like building a house. You need the support
beams, walling, and builders to get one built. These three qualities work together to make the foundation for giftedness just
like those three things help to make a house. Gifted or talented children are also considered to be those who possess an untrained
and well expressed natural talent in at least one ability that is typically higher than that of their peers. Although this
categorization of gifted students means other students are categorized as ungifted, it is still commonly used throughout academic
literature. Academic giftedness can come in many forms and abilities, whether it is Math, English, Geography, Science,
History, or a different subject. Children can be different no matter what race, religion, or social background they have.